Saturday, December 3

wild go(at)

what should we do about december third?
a sunny saturday in the woodsly goodness
calls for some sort of supplication to
the secret universal plans an' that, y'all.
for serious.
we need some big action up in here,
and we really need some brisk busy business
to bankroll our buying habits for the XI-mas
celebratory gift-giving explosion sh!t.
that's a tall order for an early morning, for sure.
i think it calls for some battle-beasts.
yeah. it definitely does.
how about three wooly woodwose warriors?
that might doo-doo the trick, y'think?
i guess we'll just have to ask the teleport,
and check for answers on it's windy activations:
a sort-of longhaired goat man,
complete with woodhouse thorn branch bludgeon,
and smoking a pipe!
the pipe is essential for heroic relaxation-type jauns.
that's no joke.
hot fire b!tchslaps for your face!
demonic? devilish?
kalahari red-style hard horned horniness,
with definitive stormswept unholy-possession flavor.
you want another 'nother one?
but just this once, duders:
who the heck is this chappy champion?
it could very well be rubezahl.
that's real.
he's an expert woodsly wild monster-man nature spirit.
like i've said before, y'all-
berserker barbarian battle-beasts are what's up.
i don't know, neighbors.
i'm just gonna rep these goats until i run out.
what else can i do?
oh, crap!
check this mutha-licker out:
pure blackmetal hard-pounding underworld nutrients?
all i know is, it's real dope.
and that's a fact.
maybe it's just a placebo effect,
but this last page of the calendar
has got the whole warrior poets' circle
re-activated and energized with non-vember
eagles' egg nutrient jobs.
it's totally expert.
three days into it,
and it already has november beaten.
no contest.
loud fresh hardness, my ninjas.
for all the faces;
never quiet, never soft.....

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