hey, neighbors-
happy thanksgiving,
from all of us to some of you.
sorry, y'all,
but we're just not equally as thankful for everybody.
we like the ones we like,
and the rest can F* right off.
we're grateful for the time we've been given,
and the opportunities we seize,
and the talents we've been naturally endowed with,
and for all the expert sh!t that really happens all around us.
it's just that if it isn't dope,
it has to F* right off.
rules is rules.
we don't give thanks for nothin', duders.
that's real.
oh, c'mon.
i'm cooking.
so much,
so hard,
so hot.
we are SO gonna stuff our big fat greedy gaping vegetarian faces
with lumpy potato blops,
and sweet potato blops,
and mashed potato blops.
potato-shaped battle beasts are what's up.
there's no question about that, kids.
hungry hungry jauns an' that.
we are vegetarian monsters, after all...
furious, raging, gluttonous territorial destroyers,
and that's pretty flippin' dope.
which means we woodsly goodfolk won't be F*ing right off,
now, will we?
wordimus prime.
today is the day,
for professional appreciators to be professionally appreciative.
that's it.
there is a feast being baked,
and simmered,
and sauteed,
and broiled,
and grilled,
and roasted,
and toasted,
and all of that sort of thing.
we have plenty to eat.
we have a house full of warmth and light and laughter.
we are spanning time, together.
this is the day for gratitude and generosity,
for expertism and activation,
for all of it to unfold exactly like it's supposed to.
never quiet. never soft.....
(with apologies to shawn hebrank for co-opting his hippo love affair)
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