Saturday, November 16

fully empty.

jeez, neighbors-
the woodsly goodness is hibernating.
for all the daytime silence,
and the setting sun,
and the frost and the wind and the hard F*ing styles,
there's sure no shortage of high-wattage luminescence.
for realsies, tho.
the moon is beaming in it's waves of heatless light
through all the cold, leafless, bare grey branches
of all the sleepy trees standing sentinel around this place.
it's barely being diffused by time and space.
that's nearly a full-dose of lunar quicksilver activation-
reflected from our yellow sun
through blue-feeling filters,
off of that orbiting orb of magnificently magnetic zero
that kamikazes closer and closer and closer,
getting bigger and rounder and more swollen with supercharged wildness,
with gravity and playing both sides against the middle,
as we watch nighttimes get brighter and brighter as the waxing
there's no weight to the polarized pulling and pushing of these
semi-visible veins of pulse-pounding ,
but it's weighing heavily on our heads just the same-
soaking into the soil, saturating our skin and scalps,
and letting loose the moorings of the mournful, miserable,
infinitely lamentable infinite nature we keep caged up the rest of the month.
you can't be serious?
by now you know all about the berserker barbarian battle-beast business
that wild-animal savagery and stormswept inner turmoil produce in tandem
under the inauspicious illumination of a full flippin' moon.
the synergistic call-of-the-wild werewolfen overreactions
that moonlight spotlight conjures in those of us who are susceptible
to warrior poetics and
i mean,
it's obviously always been a thing-
complete with harsh language, hard hearts, heavy hands,
and an unhealthy disregard for civilized society and personal safety.
i've said it all before.
the thing is,
i repeat myself a lot.
especially when i'm sleepy.
and sleep isn't in the available-options selection
when the blue glow of that ghostly sky circle is shining down.
i'm wide awake, kids,
and i don't know if that's better or worse news
for all the rest of the woodsly goodfolk.
i anticipate a day of loudness, hardness, and molto freshness.
there are wild animals, and then there are wild animals;
never quiet, never soft.....

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