Saturday, November 23

supreme clientele.

my friends are better than yours,
and my clients?
they know about some sh!t, too.
i mean it.
why would they make me the weird treats they do?
for realsies.
crystal got tattooed for four hours,
and stopped by the next day with something she made special
just for me.
that's right, neighbors.
just for me.
you should be.
one expert custom cut, chopped, dropped,
and mixed-up monster menagerie,
glued and gutted and pieced together out of basement toys.
that's rad.
i think i might cultivate exactly the kind of coincidences i need.
after all,
too much, too complicated, and overflowing with extras
is exactly the right amount.
lucky lucky.
cold and windy, kids-
more of that is what's in store for the woodsly goodness.
i'm sketching out menus,
i'm sketching out plans,
i'm sketchy,
it seems in all the ways that aren't actually all that sketchy;
never quiet, never soft.....

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