Saturday, January 31

january's end.

bye bye, guy.
i'm talking to YOU, january.
it's time to go.
i made the most of you, for a change,
and that's nice enough news to leave you alone for a year or so,
you lacked crunch, y'know?
not hippie crunch!
don't ruin your last day by being an A*-hole, man.
but, seriously, i remember you used to have crunch-
i'm thinking you're just not cool- not any more.
i guess that means it's time to activate a little
antiquarian aquarian february freshness.
it's comin'.
rad rabbityrabbitude;
the F*ing A*-hole stoopidbowl;
plus, more importantly,
the really real big action, best served between two slices of bread.
oh, yeah.
and that's no joke.
before all of that gets poppin',
it's still time to stay all about cookies every mutha 'uckin' day! least as far as my oven is concerned.
the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress barbarian small-batch bakery
is still going strong, and in F*ing full effect, friends.
believe it.
and while you're at it, check the teleport:
and the weirdest part?
they're gluten-free!!!
that's right.
i got motivated, probably due to my dude daruma,
and went freestyle on some oatmeal, and brown rice flour.
they're bound to each other with butters, and sugars,
and the ever-important adhesive molecular magic of xantham.
which i'm pretty sure is germskin.
whatever, neighbors,
i'm not even a little tiny bit worried about it-
why not?
because those are cocoa coconut mackin' macaroons,
and they are so damned expert, it makes me dizzy.
word up.
coconut flour, and coconut flakes, and all that cocoa,
smooshed into balls of baller-A* doodie-twinklin' dopeness.
and there's even four chocolate chips apiece, on top of each one,
as candy sprankles of turbo-cuteness.
i doo-doo that glutarded chocolate un-poco-cocoa-loco sh!t.
that's a true story.
we're one month into the new year,
and it's sure looking a lot like every other year before it.
right around this time. like clock's nervous ticks,
and calendar's stomach flips
there's a certain specific temporary temporal sadness i experience,
it's not at the fleeting first month of resolutions and old-aging berfdays,
but at the milemarkers that it denotes in other areas of my life and times.
circles, cycling through time, in spirals-
getting bigger, and smaller, situationally,
and frequently overlapping each other.
that's the nature of spirit and memory,
and there is absolutely no way to fight it off, or even to a standstill...
nature wins, and time is on her side.
it's all really happening,
subtly different, but thematically consistent.
this is What Is,
and those ghost circles and smoke rings always revolve and revive
and come back around again.
january ends, nothing changes;
never quiet, never soft.....

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