Wednesday, January 21

surprise day off!

what happens when there's nobody going to the studio,
and there are no appointments left on the schedule,
and it's a sunny day,
and you've got a list of stuff you need from somewhere else?
you go to that somewhere else,
and you don't even think twice about it.
i had surprise day off, and it was expert!!
not working when you're not at work is a pretty cool thing,
especially compatred to not working at work,
which is a sh!t-salad sandwich of suckballs.
instead of wading through the hours at the empty tattbomb shop,
i drove downeast to portland,
and got my art supply shoppin' done.
that's right.
and the i stopped at the crystal magic wizard weirdie spot,
and i got some nature-style refractory prism earth node stones, too.
check the facinating-facet-type teleport:
pretty flippin' cool, huh?
i know.
and that's not all, y'all.
i've been wiring 'em up, in full-blown big nerd crafty fashion.
i even got some weird braided wire,
and some brassy barbarian chains, too.
whatever, man.
you can't hang out with earth elementalism?
well, maybe you just haven't really embraced nature's winning ways.
how about this one?
it has a phantom quartz living inside it, AND it's from tibet.
that's that wu-TANG/shaolin sh!t, and that's dope.
i'm cultivating coincidences with convergent overlaps,
spirographic ven-diagrammatically-correct style.
i think that's real.
maybe not.
i'm still doing it anyway.
just a brief little bent-wire sidebar from removing strips of block,
so that printing can finally get poppin'.
you might be a bit worried right now...
and have a few questions for me.
let me preemptively answer a few.
i'm not going to turn into a hippie.
and also no,
i'm not going to go full hemptard.
i like showers, and violence,
and ambition, and resentment way too damned much to indulge
in tolerance and pacifism and do-goodery like a b!tchA* diaperbaby...
there will be sage,
but in my food,
not in smudgeclumps, or whatever the F*.
i got some crystals, friends,
because rocks are dope.
take it easy,
and wait for further instructions;
never quiet, never soft.....

1 comment:

Nate said...

I want wire wrapped Wu-Wizard wearable... Wordimus. #alliterationactivation