Thursday, January 29


skulls don't have eyes.
that's it.
i said it,
i meant it,
and that's just a thing that is.
think about it, neighbors-
what's the first thing your sh!tty pet cat is gonna eat the minute you die?
your eyeballs.
both of those squishy little marbles, right down the hatch.
they're the juiciest, wettest, most delicate windows to the soul,
and also the very first things to shrivel up, wither away, and fall off.
what i'm getting at it is-
skulls don't have eyes.
and there you have it.
i might've F*ed up a little bit.
being all fired-up about my crappy paints,
and all the extra boxes in the recycling bin,
i got carried away with small art making mishcief,
and i made a bobotron bear-bot, with a skull face,
and he's got eyes.
he's trying to be so cute,
but he's got eyes.
i don't even know how i thought that was a thing.
oh well,
he is cute, though.
check the pink-eye-type teleport:
awwwwwwwwwwwww, man.
i've got a lot or work to do,
because i've got a lot of energy to burn.
long days, longer nights, hard times, & harder styles.
i've got time that needs spanning,
and wrenches that need choosing.
this is it-
my life is consumed by cookies and characters and comedy,
laughing at all of it as it unfolds,
origami shuriken style,
spinning outwards, and revealing step-by-step instructions for self-destruction.
time takes time,
and the reward is that there's less of it less,
but it's filled with more.
i guess i'm treading spaces and dreading faces and leaving traces
with cheap brushes and cracker box clayboards....
it's all really happening,
and it only gets harder from here on out.
just like every day,
broad shoulders and thick skin are needed to carry the burdens,
and bear the brunt of the blunt and brutal bludgeoning that beats and bruises
every barbarian battle-beast worth his weight in salt.
we have to endure.
that's the rules.
since forever, until forever.
it never gets easier,
but don't worry about it, friends-
there's plenty more where this came from;
never quiet, never soft.....

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