Monday, March 11


another skull?
it's the last one for a short bit-
i've got somewhere i need to be,
and there's no place where i'm headed to make art.
but that's tomorrow.
today, we look at skulls:

and here's the thing.
i actually thought this was done before it had a few little somethings to make it better.
but i went home, slept a little, and woke up knowing i hadn't finished it.
it used to look like this:

almost there.
but, there's like five little somethin'-somethin's that complete it.
it's subtle, but least to me, anyway.
yeah, it does have pink eye.
it happens.
how many is enough?
i don't know of that's a thing....
i mean, too much is the right amount, right?
so MORE has gotta be a good thing.
i'll keep making them, as i'm sure you've become aware by now.
i'm actually learning a lot about technique with these little guys.
using different brushes, mixing colors, saturating a thirsty wooden surface....
i think i'm getting looser and faster with the style,
which i prefer, and i also think they're looking better, too.
i'm genuinely excited to see where all this upcycling of cheap-art style
is headed as i continue to generate a LOT of small arts for the studio.
it's all really happening-
all the skulls may give way to more dragons, maybe some battle-beasts,
and a few robots, i'm sure.
i like what i like, so i make what i like;
never quiet, never soft.....

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