Saturday, March 16


fast and loose, dudes.
fast, but not too fast,
and loose, but not so loose that it's abstract.
i'm talking about painting another 'nother wooden circle of sexxxiness,
and the resultant skull that's now hanging proudly on display
amongst all the others along the gallery wall at AMPERSAND TATTOO.
check it:

the wall has plenty of room moving UPwards,
but the main viewing height is packed to the upper limits.
that's ok.
too much is the right amount, anyway.
i should have a big art sale,
and make room for new paintings by blowing out some of the old stuff.
i mean,
i can see the changes in technique or lack thereof,
and i'm gonna need more space for the natural progression of personal style
that has been getting activated in four inch increments...
small art is still art, and being smaller means there's room for a TON of it.
i like that.
it's prolific instead of profound,
but that's always been my lot;
never quiet, never soft.....

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