Saturday, March 30


cali is three today.
that's a big deal.

happy freakin' berfday to my number-one type-one diabetic delight.
for real.
birthdays are huge when you're small.
and they set the tone for enormous swaths of personal growth and development.
guys, do you remember being three?
i do.
and i remember when my sisters each turned three.
and i remember when harvest and maple did, too.
every one of those days was a triumph.
three is important.
three is kind of mystical, and magical, and mysterious,
and monumental, and mostly majestic.
three is when it all really gets going.
attention, affection, emotion, articulation....
every day leading up to today has been great,
but NOW is the time that it all starts poppin', neighbors.
THREE is awesome.
she's already precious, and precocious, and ferocious in turns throughout every day-
but now she's getting even smarter, and MORE articulate and MORE coordinated
and MORE communicative and MORE of all the best things that a toddlebaby can be.
in fact,
she's past toddlin' and fully storming the gates of kidhood.
so happy flippin' berfday to this wild and wonderful fun and funny sassy,
sophisticated tough and tender little teeny tiny trooper.
three is the magic number, and she's pretty freakin' magical already,
so the next 365 should really be somethin';
never quiet, never soft.....

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