Wednesday, January 21

the hookup.

is this SO flippin' awesome??
(i already know the answer.)

my client, kevin, brought it over to me from his homestead in maine.
he found it over the summer whilst canoeing, and thought of me!
punningly enough,
he was fishing for chub when he used some long wood to poke the wet beaver.
which is exactly the way it should be.
saving skeletons for your skin scribe?
he's pretty cool, and his beard is one of the top ten i've ever seen,
no foolin'.
he's the guy who has this:

thanks, manly-bearded beer afficionado from down east!

my close friend steve gillespie turns 39 long, hard, cruel years old.

lookin' good though........right? 
at least he still dresses like a teenager.
he's a good guy, a good tatzapper, and a good friend;
even though he forgot XI-mas, new year's, and MY birthday.....
he likes beers, ya'll. and massachussetts.
so it kind of figures. 
he was up slumlording in the mount washington valley,
so we took him out for delicious, expensive, organic pizzas,
at flatbread,
where we got the fattie boombattie hookup,
courtesy of the gratitude and generosity of some homies up in there.
so hard, and so good.
thanks, corporate hippies!!
after our delicious dinner,
we went to the not-as-dope-but-open-later coffee shop,
where the chamber of commerce was having a surprise benefit thingie!
free coffees? sure.
free non-vegan pastries and cookies an' all? thanks, but no thanks.
free beer and champagne? c'mon.
white mountain tattoo is a member of the c.o.c.,
but i don't recall us getting a notice about the soiree,
and although technically we were representing the studio,
just by showing up,
nobody seemed pleased that we'd unknowingly crashed the party.
i would've been more concerned,
but i was too busy drinking an otherwise usually overpriced soy latte.
decaffeinated, naturally. take it easy.
it tasted like burnt toast and burnt espresso, simultaneously.
so it was pretty much worth every penny i didn't have to pay.
thanks, disapproving cheap-suited business people of northern new hampshire!

not that you asked,
or care about the machinations of my lower intestines,
but i think i may have overdone the coffee and the soymilk and the pizza.
8 shots of espresso in 8 hours?
red sauce, red tomatoes, roasted red peppers, red onions, crushed red pepper flakes?
burnt battle beverages?
you'd think i would know better...
when most people smoke a bowl,
illicit, marginally decriminalized substances are involved.
today, it seems, i'm also smoking a bowl,
as in: murdering it.
or at least leavin' it smokin'.
it's not an inside-out glass bubbler, either,
it's porcelain.
too much is the right amount, huh?
so much for knowledge and experience.
wrench-choosers can't resist;
i sh!t hot fire.
never quiet, never soft.....

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