Sunday, October 25

early morning rebroadcast.

when i'm busy on a saturday night-
which is a kind term for cooking, reading, and stoking the fire
-i sometimes forget about tuning in to prairie home companion.
lucky for me,
there's the rebound each and every easy sunday morning.
faces made for radio are the kind of faces i want to listen to.
i'm sayin',
ugly dope folks are my jam, ninjas.
and since we're scrambling through a last-ditch dash
to get everything ready for next weekend,
it's sure to be my only outlet for semi-social scandal
before the big times of the looming semi-anti-social gathering.
as such,
it's powder-milk and ketchup advisories to brighten the morning,
i'm talking about batchelor farmers,
in lieu of a batchelor's party...
i don't usually listen to any music at work.
it just means i have to talk that much louder in order
to be the biggest flappity-flappin' yakkity-yak back-talker in the room.
then again,
there's rarely anyone else vying for the title.
being the loudest doesn't always mean you have anything to say,
but sheer volume sometimes makes it a close call.
i'm just getting a good idea of how a whole house of loud and proud
active participants are going to get along.
there will be music, too, after all....
i shudder to think about how this coming weekend's worthy warrior antics
are going to be received by our quiet, unassuming neighbors.
berserker barbarian battle-beasts, the lot of us,
spitting hot fire,
and toasting and boasting and roasting for 48 furious hours.
and that's the news from the woodsly goodness,
where all the men are ugly,
the women are dope,
and all the children are uninvited;
never quiet, never soft.....

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