Monday, October 12


that's in ohio, right?
whatever good came from there i ask ya'll?
that's what.
not once, not never.
but is it just ohio or the curse of the genoan genocide general/admiral,
that makes this kind of day so watery in the babypants department?
either way,
the sauce is weak.
the broken bands of lime green all-access admittance.
sundered from the spirit of fall fair times.
i'm kind of lamenting the sudden lack of falafels in my life.
so sad;
except that i finally found my long-lost a-hole.
uh-huh, the one i blew off last monday.
that part was kind of good news.
i felt a small columbus-like triumph about it, too.
discovering something that was already there, an' that.
turns out,
the little wrinkle-dot was hiding in the back bathroom.
i had forgotten about checking in that one.
we've been reunited with the implicit understanding that i'm leaving it behind
next year when the fair comes around...

that actually says "fried bacon puffs".
i've got some mixed feelings about this;
on the one hand,
nobody ate any all week.
i know this,
because as i shark chomped and frenzied my feedings of fried freshness,
the bacon puff paradise was a wasteland.
some long-dormant latent human empathy arose unbidden from the depths,
most likely due to the overabundance of tahini in my system,
and i was a little teeny tiny bit sad about the dearth of fried bacon puffers.
i mean,
those poor half-'tarded rednecks probably put a lot of time
and money into their mobile carcass inflation superstation,
only to then lose a week's worth of income and time.
should they have known better?
but how much can one reasonably expect in the way of foresight
from the genius intellect behind 'fried bacon puffs' in the first place?
the pigs on the sign are all smiles though,
so who the hell are we to judge?

i love these guys.
these falafel-flinging sauce-slinging soldiers of organically-gardened goodness.
i'll miss 'em for 51 more weeks.
it's back to berserker shark-gluttony and poor decision making,
all over again.
after last weeks blissful certainties,
i'm left wondering, ya'll:
what the F* is for dinner tonight?
never quiet, never soft.....

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