Friday, October 9

the most beautiful.

a painterly pastel palette of pumpkins?
sugar maple leaves and apple boxes?
is that the latest cover of 'living' magazine?
it's my really-real life.
my front porch is so flippin' sexy.
that's just a little tiny bit more epic hottness in the mountainous marvelousness.
what a season! my ninjas.
i am grateful for all of this big burly berserker battle-beastly bardic business.
i'm slowing down to a snail's pace up here.
(minus the slime trail.)
this Folk Life magic is happening.
and i don't want to miss a minute of it.
today is the day.
but each miniscule moment is every bit as critical to the composition.
i'm not looking forward to anything.
because each an every right now is bangin' off the hinges.
all the lame parts just don't matter as much as the awesomeness;
of autumn,
of this house,
of the fair,
of all of it.
it is cold and rainy outside,
and slower'n' sh!t at the studio.
but it's warm and (mostly) dry in the fortress,
and busy as a beehive all weekend long up here.
we'll have a full-to-bursting battle-stationed battalion
seeing how they fare at fair-ing,
and if it's really as good in the woods as it seems.
( it SO is)
existing. and abiding.
that's the pair of potent patricipatory particles that make the plan come together.
whatever's comin' down the pipe is just another test,
plied and tried a la' the emergency woodsly goodness system.
brought to you by the letters X and I,
and the number 11.
i've got a savage stormswept Folk Life saga in my head, heart, and hands.
all my senses are saluting the secret universal plan.
dear magical classified covert-ops confidential,
more of all of this,
come late tonight, we'll be elbows deep in active participants.
giant uncles, one-armed dads-to-be, babymakers,
fashionable designers, and brooklyn b-boy shooters.
sounds like a well-balanced blend of professional appreciators.
sorry, new neighbors,
but it sounds as if the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress is gonna bring the thunder;
never quiet, never soft.....

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