Monday, November 8

back to basics.

avuncular corpuscles.
it sounds much worse than it is.
there's nothing wet or arterial or infectious implied.
it's more of a spirit and memory kind of a thing.
not big words just for the sake of themselves, either.
i'm talking about deja vu and cultivated coincidences.
ghost circles and smoke rings-type sh!t.
discrete influences from proactive particles that bring
up recollections of some really real old times an' that.
reminiscing about folks i can't talk to anymore,
some really upbeat gray-day rainy november-appropriate thoughts.
just the present,
presented in a post-mortem, phantasmal package from the past.
weird dreams make short nights longer,
and vice-versa.
it's almost our weekend here in the soggy serenity of the mountains.
and dang it for it's dampness,
it's raining again, and that's a batch of b!tchbaggery,
but it's not snowing,
unlike some waterbaby plots of weak-saucery.
(i'm looking at YOU connecticut)
just one more day of zippity-doo-doo,
and zappity-blasting,
and then i've got wood to work,
holes to drill,
plenty of nailing,
and poles to erect.
that's exactly what SHE said;
never quiet, never soft.....

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