Monday, November 21


you can't have cornbread dressing
stuffing up your pipes on american
thanksgiving day glutton festivals
without cornbread.
and you're supposed to let the bread
get a little baby bit stale,
so that it absords more of the brothy activational nutrients
and elevates the flavor quotient to eleven.
since you ninjas all already know how much i love
to get busy like a barbarian baker in my ever-lovin'
preheated oven-enhanced kitchen,
you can probably guess that i've already begun
the pre-thanksgiving preparations.
which, of course, include maple-sweetened cornbread.
and don't call it 'turkey day' if you expect me
to answer you with any hint of civility.
food-specific holidays are one thing,
but some jive-A* genocide sh!t is a whole other animal.
y'all should give thanks about how i don't bring the
loud fresh hardness directly at your face
like a maverick of vegetarian vengeance an' that.
word up.
oh, take it easy...
i don't usually get too heated about other peoples'
good karma and clean colons...
i mean,
if you don't want either, that's you, duders.
i avoid the meat department like you avoid salads.
no problem.
but the morguelike scenario at the grocery store,
with frozen dead bodies everywhere?
gross and a half, mutha-sons.
i can't hang out.
on the ones,
a pile of rock-solid icy carcasses?
that's officially nasty.
even if you cook it,
even if it's delicious,
even if you're hungry-
meat is rotting flesh chunks that you put in your mouth.
that totally makes me get a little nauseous.
i'm repping corn and bread instead,
at the same time.
november got me again.
i sunbathed away my day,
out in front of the studio,
trying not to simmer in my own hard style.
don't worry, neighbors,
it's supposed to snow all day
on my drive to asscrackachussetts on wednesday.
doo-doo buttery roadways, kids.
secret universal trials and tests, i guess.
i'm ready, if a bit unwilling, to make it happen.
hear that?
the cornbread is ready;
never quiet, never soft.....

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