Sunday, November 20


greasy chinese food you say?
i don't believe it.
how did you know?
that is exactly what's creating some epic turmoil
inside the boiler-room of my robobotronic
futuristic finely-honed chassis of warrior workmanship.
roiling gastric juices,
like a savage stormswept sea of devastating digestion,
'garious glutition, and perilous peristalsis.
it's a regular wrench in those aforementioned works.
it's that too much of not enough jauns, duders;
huge doses of some of the oiliest doo-doo noodoos-
and the next thing you know....
b!tchballs of buttery overreactivating are in action.
you don't like hearing me bellyache about my bellyaches?
sorry, neighbors,
it's november.
take it or leave it.
i don't know, y'all.
i will be force-feeding my face with copious quantities
of starchy squashes and tubers,
and possibly accompanied by some zots,
but i will NOT waste my vegan marshmallows
on sweet 'taters.
food bread isn't invited,
and dessert treats on regular food can't come over either.
the usual assortment of hottness is on the menu,
and the sisters of magnificent valkyrie virtues
are gonna be here, too.
that's right.
my girlie girls, harvest and maple are back to being
a part of the gratitude and generosity of woodsly
goodsly giving thanks with active participation
and professional appreciation.
we do that up here.
i had a zero day at work.
not at the zombie defense headquarters.
that's a ZERO day.
see the difference?
i'm saying i had a nil set,
a bust-out,
a heaping helping of painful life in full effect.
i know.
and after that bootful of butthole,
i waded through the mire of a heroic trip
to the super-duper-market,
just like all the other housewifely types,
to stockpile my feastly ingredients an' that.
and then the final squish of slimy chinese blops,
just to make sure that all my ins and outs are sure
to spit hot fire like the golden sesame tofu dragon.
this is what really happens in real life.
no platinum plated sledgehammers for us,
only oxidized and realized wrench-worthy warrior poetics.
i rock a hard style whenever possible, kids.
and it's all really happening:
broke, busted, digusted, disgusting and ball-busting.
every day in every way, y'all;
never quiet, never soft.....

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