Saturday, February 11

half as much, twice as good.

haircuts and beard trims, neighbors.
that's how we go to eleven,
on the eleventh, even.
at super early o'clock this morning,
me and the wifey activated some sheer shorn
super-nutrient scissorfighting,
and got our ears lowered an' everything, at that.
...yes, that's a thing.
why buff up on that craggy crapball i call a head?
i figured that our impending warm weather
magical sub-tropic vacation-times
warranted an early spring cleaning on my
dusty, busted, derelict dome.
i got rid of more than half of my beard,
and it's still a great big bushy burly barbarian one.
and then i tatblasted a holy sh!tload of zipzaps
all flippin' day long.
i'm freshly shaved and polished and snipped
and all kinds of trimmed up,
but still broken,
still broke,
still ugly,
and still dope.
my fingers are falling off,
my skin is so dry it might catch afire,
and my eyelids are drooping into slumberland.
saturday night?
it's all really happening,
better looking on the outside,
and that's sure not saying very much.
it's all just lipstick on a pig, my ninjas;
never quiet, never soft.....

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