Monday, February 13

the weekend is plenty long....

...when it starts tonight,
and then keeps on keepin' on until next thursday.
you've got that information correct, kids-
that's not the sixteenth, but the 23rd.
that's right, duders.
our floridian holiday in the sun gets
it's tailgates opened right up this very evening.
it's the last day of grinding on that daily sh!t for some time,
and the first night of many spent 'relaxing'
without that omnipresent sense of impending
movie-check-wrecking purpose.
taking it easy, neighbors, is what's being proposed.
...we'll just have to see about that.
whatever ends up happening while we're off doo-dooing
whatever it is we're supposed to be enjoying ourselves with,
we WON'T be working in the bitter cold.
word up.
we're saving all our bitterness for the sweet citrus-type jauns
we're sure to be encountering down in the dirty dirtiness
of the alligator-laden lairs of sunshinyness.
that's a thing.
and us worthy warriors can sure use the rest.
it's been a belligerently brutal non-stop tattbomb assault
on our whole entire everythings for a
whole mess of consecutive days.
my spindly spider-leggish presto-digits are due
for a teensy-weentsy little tiny bit of rest.
tomorrow is the big heart day.
but instead of chocolates and roses, my ninjas,
we're getting mired down in a preliminary dose
of bummer-type hard-style pre-airplane activation.
connecticut is our destination for the first leg of the trip.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, man.
looks like romance is gonna have to wait a while.
nothing ruins the hottness like a dousing of weak sauce.
vacation nutrient enjoyment wouldn't seem as expert
if we started in the turbo-dope demesne of
the rural really-real Folk Life & Liberty.
smart, huh?
a little compare-and-contrast blast is what's needed.
the south isn't so suckie
when you've just been in the suckiest.
don't hate on my perfect logic, friends...
florida, mutha-uckers.
the woodsly goodness it ain't.
flat, hot, and wet is where we're headed,
and we're ready.
packed, stacked, and on the attack.
big fun,
for our faces;
never quiet, never soft.....

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