Thursday, May 10

all you need is kisses... start a make-out party.
and you're invited to my make-out party.
yes, indeed, neighbors,
that's a thing.
it's a roving, unspecific site-specific situation.
as in,
it could happen anywhere,
but probably it should happen on your mouth.
we'll need fancy hats, and some lip-gloss, too.
i mean,
it's a make-out party after all.
i'm brushing and flossing and chewing minty gum.
not to mention flexing my flappers,
and pursing my pucker as a means of readying the
playing field for the big game.
the party will get started like a brushfire, kids-
it could happen at any time, anywhere,
and we wouldn't want to be unprepared. right?
you know it, ninjas.
oh, stop.
before you get all butt-hurt about some
french-style face-to-face time from the future,
let's make one thing absolutely clear-
we all know better than to believe
that anybody ever shows up at any of the parties i throw,
so let's not pretend that a party where my mouth gets on you
is the one where i'll see a spike in attendance..,
for just fifty five dollars,
you can get all the sexy time you want with
this triple-threat freaky-diki threesome art print:
it comes in other colors, too.
there are maybe 21 available.
that's pretty limited edition rare-type jauns.
here are more details: .
(^ that looks weird)
if you're a filthy cheapskate,
or an even filthier poor person,
you can get an artist's proof for even less.
we've got a heap of those, too-
that one doesn't come with sexy time.
not even a tug and tickle, duders-
then again,
in a poverty storm, any port will do, y'heard?
shawn hebrank is officially in charge.
go see him.
thanks yet again to him and the lovely,
talented, expert listener, ghost-provoker,
and all-around pep-talker meryl depasquale
for all the hospitality, vitality, and rice-based treats.
the rest of you might be interested in the drums.
all you need is drums
to start a dance party.
...and you're invited to my dance party.
busting moves and busting A*;
never quiet, never soft.....79

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