Tuesday, May 8

jinxed, cursed, and bebothered.

it's tuesday, already?
i'm actually not injured, or otherwise incapacitated-
i've just been reppin' a well-maintained and
professionally manicured blackout on
competent and correspondent communications.
because sometimes, neighbors,
documenting real life is a really real
incomprehensible conundrum.
and once in a great while,
i need to take a little itty bitty baby minute
to decipher the secret universal implications.
for example:
would you like to know how the parade was?
i'll bet.
so would i.
except it didn't happen.
i'm serious.
it was mutha-flippin' canceled.
what caused that heroic disappointment?
i'm not exactly sure.
i think it might have been the brutal barbarian
stormswept saturday night lightning-striking
full moon monster cloud activation.
that's a thing.
was it raining on my parade?
only on the inside, kids.
what can i tell you, udders?
i've got style.
actually, there are several styles...
but they are all the absolute hardest ones, y'all.
hold on there, and just wait a minute....
i was supposed to be in the air right now.
flying away from a sixty-hour whirlwind of
arthur-makin', parade-spectatin', scone-eatin',
crotchal puffery and sundry forms of pure-being
space takin' and personal growth and participation.
don't worry, my ninjas,
my expert track record still stands.
you know how it works-
it's canceled!
i know...it's pretty sweet.
there's no place like home,
but there IS a little more time here
at my home away from home.
a whole 'nother 'nother extra day in minneapolis,
at a tattoo shop, doo-dooing some feaky-diki-type
sitting and waiting and spanning of time and space.
the best part?
it actually IS raining today.
when it comes to losing,
i am the F*ing winner.
so just what, precisely, did i get busy with
instead of may day parade day backyard barbecution?
i made some turbo hot and sexy calling cards.
you'll get a picture of their fresh hard smoothness
when i figure out how to operate technology
just a little bit more fluently.
and i saw the avengers.
but i didn't just see it.
i experienced it, yo-
real maximum magic and three dimensional
surround sound incredibility.
how was it?
two words, kids:
hulk smash.
woooooooord up.
times are unfolding,
styles are hardening,
and somehow,
it's all really happening.
setbacks, drawbacks, sneak attacks,
and of course, road snacks.
time with my peoples is never wasted,
it's just restructured for maximum
extended family togetherness.
i remain grateful for the material that
fuels the story.
without the bitter, the sweet's never as sweet;
never quiet, never soft.....77

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