Sunday, July 15


sundays get harder and harder, y'all.
probably because saturday nights are so live.
after a doo-doo buttery day of tattbombing,
it takes a special something to pull up and out
of the nosediving plummet that accompanies
the good ideas and great people that compose
prose of a whole day's worth of true stories.
good and great being completely subjective values.
it's getting easier to smooth over the rough patches.
all it takes is sugar, and fruit, and cold.
you know it.
if i can get positive, y'all duders can appreciate it-
you can check the teleport:
sprankles, ninjas!
lemonade sorbet is pure citric acidity!
bitter sourpuss frozen bellyache punishment
in a cup, with a cone!
the rainbow gritty bits are the essential element in
nighttime hangout-style active participation.
hanging out, munching up, talking to strangers.
i don't think the friendly folks from this forest realm
really get it though.
i'm talking like a competent, clever, coherent
captain of his own cognizance,
and they're smiling and nodding and blank-stare hoping
i'll stop forming syllables sooner than later.
is that ever very likely?
fightning the good fight, on a saturday night,
seated in a polychrome polymer adirondack chair,
looking up, whilst things continue to look grim.
hard styles abound and persist.
compliments and insults,
general genial, menial, and demeaning observations.
listening sucks balls.
no, for real though.
because if you're listening,
you can't help but hear some things, kids.
and i hear 'em all.
that's the penalty for paying attention i guess.
what do i mean?
oh, i'm getting to that, don't you worry-
throughout this week,
i was told a few vastly differing casual/offhand
descriptive assessments of and about myself, by others.
that's true.
it started out pretty encouragingly,
and took a turn fairly early on.
a professional interpreter of the human mind told me
i'm 'obviously brilliant'.
that's pretty flippin' expert.
it might even be true.
i don't know though, yo.
he is a pro. that counts for something.
a pair of hot-yet-b!tchy b!tches (of course)
made mention of their certainty that i am
'definitely NOT a genius.'
uh oh.
that's a severe step down from the compliments
carried over from the previous 24 hour period.
i'm not sure of their qualifications, truth be told,
but pretty girls get over most of the time.
is that all?
when is it ever?
over snacks at work the next day,
half of that team of sniping harpies took it up another 'nother notch
with some unsolicited cataloging of my finer coarse qualities.
this stylish, tasty young ladyfriend of ours reaffirmed
that i'm actually more accurately not only NOT a genius,
but also really just tricking people into thinking so
because i'm loud and abrasive.
and also (this was later on) cocky with low self-esteem.
is that a thing?
it happened, that's for sh!t-sure.
that's one hell of an analysis, right?
i had thought that the week was in a decaying orbit way earlier,
back when i first lost the illusion of my previously obvious brilliance,
but we went into full-collapse atmospheric re-entry
meteor-impact dinosaur-extinction meltdown mode,
to eleven, even,
in the prime hours of last evening, for the win.
does it get better?
only because it gets worse-
(and you know how i know how to tell a story, neighbors)
last night, sitting outside the franchised,
name-brand ice cream parlor,
with a witness, even-
a little boy bounced out of the doors with an ice cream cone
and a hard-style opinion, with extreme naive innocence,
and extreme nutrient-depleting destructive force.
with a big grin on his big head,
looking dead ahead at me,
with unconcerned conscious conscienceless eye contact,
glanced up at his parents and back again at me,
and then said:
'look mom! a MONSTER!!!!'
real talk.
there wasn't some other explanation.
no giant lizards, man-eating horrors, vampires, just me.
he was smiling, so i'm probably a friendly monster;
that's positive, no?
i wondered (hoped) if their last name was henderson.
i saw that movie, y'heard?
maybe they'd take me home is all i'm sayin'.
saturday did not get it in, guys.
not at all.
and now it's sunday morning.
take it easy?
i'll take what i can get,
where i can get it,
wherever i find it.
it's all really happening.
true stories, told truly,
with love,
from me, to you;
never quiet, never soft.....

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