Monday, July 2

that's it.

i have a hard time backing down,
easing off, letting go, and moving on.
i know you're surprised by that.
ummmm. sure.
i keep my intentions and my emotions red lined
at the beyond-maximum overflow and engine-blow level
of eleven or more at all times, kids.
so throwing 'em into neutral,
and giving up is against the established order of chronological biology.
oh, yeah-that's a thing, neighbors-
y'all have come know and love it as infinite nature;
some people call it genetic predestiny, or primitive inherited memory,
but whatever name you give to it, whatever you call it in the lonesome,
sleepless sections of lightless, heatless, vacuum-sealed voidance
of your own introspective voyeurism-
it's still just not my style to give the F* up.
why not?
because i'm not a quitter-pants weak sauce waterbaby, probably.
i can concede defeat, i can acknowledge failure,
but only when i've exhausted all the other actual options,
and have only hope left.
...that's an unrealistic underactive emotion, by the way.
i mean,
in real talk for the real world:
when the going gets tough?
if you're a worthy, committed captain of your own soul,
you try harder, sing louder, get fresher, get busier,
and go down swinging until your worn-out soles,
leaden arms and heardened heart physically fail
the ever-loving everlasting warrior spirit
raging and rattling around inside the stormswept
barbarian hot fire furnace blazing inside of you...
if you're not really into that whole just be dope theory
regarding active participation,
you maybe just F* right off?
i don't know, yo.
i presonally prefer the epic, heroic, legendary
main-character character assassination
and proactive protagonism of being a part of it, and not apart from it.
you feel me?
today is the day.
harvest and maple are here.
the woodsly goodness is better for their company.
the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress feels alive again.
...and i do too.
my darling daughters,
after being exposed to the raw nerves
of evolutionary overcompensation
are adapting to new situations, y'all.
that's right-
all in together now.
we doo-doo that.
because we're a team.
we don't just move, we make moves,
we don't just get busy, we do business,
we don't just get paid to lose,
we fight to win.
it's all really happening.
that's the whole goddamn point;
never quiet, never soft.....

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