Sunday, December 2

decent deuce-dropping december dos.

terrible weather?
i was hoping for icy slicked-up and rain-soaked snowmelty mudpuddles.
low visibility, and deeply penetrating perilous darkness, too?
those sure are a couple of welcome add-ons to this hard-hearted,
underheated, hateful sh!t-hot mess of a long day.
and when i say long, neighbors,
i mean short on tempers and murder on movie checks.
a zero day at the office, y'all.
no tattbombs, at all.
just the unfulfilling phantoms of introspection and uncommunicative cohabitation.
good news,
for people who love bad news, yeah?
it doesn't take much to consider this kind of weak-sauce day a total wash-out.
that's no jokes.
but it also doesn't take too much to turn it around, either.
for example-
check the teleport and recognize the finer things and simultaneous simple pleasures:
books and socks, ninjas.
two of my most favoritest things.
ultimate hottness, for my see-balls and my foot-fingers.
and it's not just any book about whatever the F*.
it's a whole book about killed-up animal heads with no meat on them.
you know it.
and those aren't just socks, suckas.
those are turbo-manly woodsly goodsly heroic camp-type lumberjack socks.
wordimus prime.
it's not much,
but i'm clinging to it like a lifeline over the gaping chasm of calamitous circumstance.
warm tootsie-wootsies, and a head full of skulls.
it's all that's happening,
the last lonely circle in the center of this vitriolic matryoshka tchotchke
honeypot of humpable beehives and devious, dastardly dollfaces.
my night is looking pretty unremarkable.
that means that until tomorrow,
i'm all out of words;
never quiet, never soft.....

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