Monday, December 10


the cucch, kids!
he's the best one;
and also pretty much the only candle that stays lit in the lighthouse
during the sh!t-storm hurricane of hard styles and rotten weather
that constitute the really realness of everyday life sometimes.
and he also makes a mean noodle bowl.
i like it when i get to make dinner with somebody who knows their way
around the pots and pans.
check the sobatronic teleport:
yum4tum, neighbors!!
sprouts and scallions and broccoli and cabbage and seitan and soup?
bubblingly troublesome butthole activation is what we aimed for,
and i'm pretty sure we're snipers, if you catch my drift, so to speak.
cooking is dope, though, my ninjas-
methodical preparation and enacted hot fire applications?
good for your face, good for your body, good for everything.
it's got the nutrients, y'know?
cooking makes you look a little tiny bit gay.
check the teleportal, again:
stirring like a creature on any evening before christmas.
that's a thing.
and just to compare and contrast,
i also got some weirdie vegan prepared noodoo doo-doo bowls, too.
we'll see, kids.
maybe annie chun gets it in?
not like cucchie, though.
i'm sure of that.
a quick weekend stopover,
with the full gambit of warm weather, perfect skies,
plummeting mercury AND barometers,
and a fond farewell under cover of clouds and blankets of snowfall.
a short and sweet visit from my short and sweet friend.
i am grateful for the time i have been given,
and for the worth-a-sh!t mutha-'uckers i span it next to.
side by side, son.
we got it like that;
never quiet, never soft.....

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