Friday, January 4


there's a tattoo explosion happening in the woodsly goodness!
no, but for realsies, though.
every weak sauce waterbaby needs one right this exact second,
and all the other other ninjas out there will graciously wait until first thing tomorrow.
i've been jam-packed with hand-crampin' F*ing fingersnapping blasters
for a few flippin' weeks in a row at this point.
...and my arms and back and all my other essential bits are beat up
from the onslaught of A*tarded imagery i'm implanting in all these impatient people.
i've got lots to do every day.
too much, really.
a big part of my presence in the mountains
is pretty dependent on hanging out in specific spots.
on the ones,
that's turbo difficult when you're just wasting time tattbombing on turdbiters
all dang day, far and away until everything is closed.
it's not hard, the woods takes it all down fairly early in the evening.
my absence has been noted, neighbors.
and while that's nice to know,
i'd like it noted that i don't really like working without a second to myself every day.
i just hate the alternative even more.
if there's work to do,
what kind of minky mincer shrugs it off?
an UNworthy diaperlicker, that's who.
i can't hang out with short shrift shifty sh!tburglers who don't rise up and get busy.
i guess that's just another thing i like-
dominating a day, and deserving the righteous compensation that comes from it.
that means movie checks, kids.
and they don't come for free, that's for sure.
hard styles and hard pounding and long-A* days.
jeez, friends.
i barely even have time to document real life,
it's too busy all really happening;
never quiet, never soft.....

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