Wednesday, January 2

the big picture.

a place for everything, duders.
i like that.
i also love order, structure, additive processes,
and making little pieces into a much improved whole.
check the orderly, analytical, sequential logic-type teleport:
making something out of interlocking interconnected fragnments?!
so rad.
a bit here, a bit there, a scrap, a glimpse, a part of a larger truth.
for realsies?
i loooooove puzzles.
and when i can get a seasonally appropriate site-specific folk art Folk Life one?
me and my little lovely ladies hit it up with a hard-style jigsaw reassembly assault.
edges first, kids.
don't be dumb.
i love how each shape is essential, and without just one in it's perfect place,
the whole thing falls short of being what it's supposed to.
interdependence is occasionally okay with me,
provided i've got all the components present and accounted for,
so that all my efforts add up to a larger sum.
i like crossword puzzles, too.
words and mysteries and deciphering and deducing and all that kind of stuff
is wholly and full ON the list, friends.
this particular puzzle one even has words made out of pictures.
that means that in addition to the words in the picture,
there are pictures of words ON words IN the picture.
and that's worth well over a thousand words, ninjas.
and that's dope.
things to like.
i'm on it.
so far so good;
never quiet, never soft.....

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