Friday, May 1

may day!

may day may day may day.
it's today!
today is the day.
the first, the worst, the fit-to-burst calendar-flippin' premier of
the very merry, merry month of may.....
and we're staring up at a skyful of heavy grey clouds.
april showers, today?
i mean, it's may day.
awwwwwwww, man.
am i protesting political problems in the bigger picture?
i'm working.
it's almost the opposite of everything good about today.
i'm not spinning around on ribbons and poles,
nor am i standing up for the rights of the toiling boiling masses.
i'm trying to make those movie checks, indoors,
hiding under the wearying, worrisome, weatherproof roof of the studio
protected from, but still subject to, these dark dirty skies,
may day is one heck of a distress call, y'all.
i'm feeling a little like i could use some help, for sure.
i suppose i'll just have to help myself.
in fact,
i'm think gonna help myself to another treat.
when all else isn't going according to the stated preferences of worthy warrior poetry,
and there's naught but a whole b!tch-A* batch of crap to look forward to,
despite not looking forward to it,
you've GOT to at least have a small snack while you're shoveling crap
back at the crashing waves.
that's what's up.
and honestly, neighbors, i think that's what is gonna see me through the day.
you like peanut butter?
i thought so.
how about chocolate?
word up.
y'ever had a creamchee' brownie?
they're pretty tasty.
now, imagine all those things, and more, in one extra-sexxy bite.
check the super-deluxe-dopeness-type teleport:
peanut butter creamchee' brownies, with chocolate chips,
and melted chocolate drizzled across the tops.
one half of the batter, brown sugar, peanut butter, soymilk, melted vegan butter,
and vanilla, over flour, salt, tapioca starch, baking powder and soda,
with chunks of cream chee' smooshed throughout.....
and the other half loaded with cocoa, and chocolate chips, as well.
two spoons scooping blops in alternating amounts into the pans,
and you get those black and tan blasts of brownie-battered peanut-buttery
ball-out fresh-to-death-friday flavors for your face.
everything expert, together, working towards keeping us motivated
through the magic of tasty treats-baking barbarian big-action activational business
to endure another 'nother day of doo-dooing all the poop
that immersing oneself in responsible adulthood requires.
that's a tall order.
i think those brownies can deliver, though.
i mean, c'mon.
look at 'em.
they're the elite new hottness in full effect.
because they're individual bars,
everybody gets a crispy edge, on every side!
you're welcome.
unless you're allergic to peanuts,
or chocolate,
or wheat,
or soy....or all of the above
in that case,
you are totally missing out,
and you might be a mincey diaper-baby,
because these jauns are so good, it's SO worth anaphylactic shock
and/or fast poopin' diarrhea.
but you probably won't even try 'em, huh?
it's may day.
and there's surely cool stuff happening in a lot of other places.
not up here in the woodsly goodness, no way, no how, no chance.
elsewhere, where i'm not,
there are marches and parades and protests
and pole dancing of the least exotic and erotic sort.
it's just another 'nother friday in these hills, however.
hard working hicks don't need workers' rights-
they just need thirty light beers tonight and a day off tomorrow.
it's all really happening, y'all.
being aware of the greater waiting wide world's consciousness
isn't going to do much in the face of a rack of necktards boot-scootin' and
can-crushing it at yet another pallet fire at the quarry, though.
i'm not sure that's what think globally, act locally is meant to imply.
this is it.
can you hear me?
with my mouth full of brownie, even?
may day may day may day may day may day.
i'm hit, and i'm bailing out,
but i'm well behind enemy lines,
and there's only ever going to be more of this.
thirty one days of may,
starting now;
never quiet, never soft.....

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