Monday, November 19


oatmeal is so dope.
it really is.
and if you can pull off some light airy oatcakes, you totally should.
no, not heavy-duty bannocky scottish jauns;
panniecakes, but with more power and fury and flavor and glory.
like these:

i dunno why i insist on overeating at every meal.
no. that's not true. i DO know why-
it's because shark-gluttonous gorging is in my DNA,
a genetically written codebook for behavior in the face of food and sustenance-
rules is rules,
and they clearly state that too much is the right amount.
don't stop moving, don't stop eating, don't stop being expert.
that's a thing.
what's so different about these 'cakes, anyway?
i used way more oats, of course.
oats are my favorite, and every chance i get to use a lot of''em, i take full advantage.
here's the secret recipe:
melt 3 T vegan butter
in a mixin' bowl, sift together:
1 cup flour;
1/4 tsp salt;
3 T brown sugar;
1 tsp baking soda;
2 tsp baking kapowder;
1/4 cup oat flour;
1/4 cup fresh-ground dried coconut meal;
1/4 cup thick rolled oats.
3 T unsweetened plain coconut yogurt;
that melted butts;
1 1/4 cup non-dairy milk;
1 tsp vanilla.
stir and allow to rest a little minute, so the oats soften and soak up the s'milk.
you need a hot, lightly greased griddle, and your attention focused on these flippable flapjacks.
...and that's it.
well, yeah, *these* are snow day snowflakes,
so, naturally, i hit 'em with some powdered sugary snow,
and some coconut-milk whippy creme, for that site-specific situationally-apt activation.
...also, i doused those baddies in real new hampshire maple syrup,
because that's what you DO in the woodsly goodness.
i love a good cake, kids.
i probably don't need five, but here we are, in the throes of overindulgence.
i do what i do, and i don't see any other way...
i guess i'll just keep hammering away at headstrong headlong
hard-styled heavyweight breakfast barbarianism,
and let events unfold the way they're intended to;
never quiet, never soft.....

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