it's mother's day.
a whole 24 hour span dedicated to momminatin' it up.
also the most popular day for brunch.
true story.
before or after your late morning mimosas,
give some thanks for being born, kids.
and for all those grilled cheeses,
and band-aids,
and whatever else,
that momma-bear contributed over the years.
have a little.
and say a silent salute,
for all those moms who aren't with us all anymore.
they're in a better place for sure,
in on all the secrets of the universal magnetic magic;
and we're still here...
they're missed everyday, especially today.
so give out those proppers, my ninjas.
i'm sayin'.
i know i've got a set of serious skaldic sagas
scorching my socks off.
because i'm a lightning-striking viking,
and i'm at the fire.
where are all ya'll?
my (no joke) odinist valkyrie client came in to get a cover-up
with her taxidermist boyfriend.
and they brought me some totally kickass treats!!!
bare bear knuckles will be brought to bear, b!tches.
that's a bear toof in that mix-up, too.
a fisher cat's skull as a tip?
that's gratuitous gratuity, mutha-licorice!
my clients are pretty rad,
and the woodsly goodness knows what time it is....
animal head time!
i did 10 flippin' tatty o'zappanaughs from open to close.
no pauses, no breaks, no lulls.
do duly note, however,
that in quantity and quality it did not go to eleven.
holy smoking needle-bars,
i didn't stop at any point from the minute i walked into the studio.
all day long.
good thing i sucked down a super-deluxe
espresso bean mocha java soy frappe.
that's a pretty hefty beverage, my ninjas;
i was positively off my tits with energetic enthusiasm.
motormouth verbosity and percussive concussive pursed lip fire spit.
add in a crisp and handsome bow tie,
and my day was decided before i ever even left the house.
it's impossible to be in a bad mood in a bow tie.
that's a scientific fact.
look it up.
it's sunday.
it's mother's day.
it's all really happening.
that's the whole point;
never quiet, never soft.....
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