Thursday, November 19

acorn muffins.

what did i have for dinner last night?
the exact same thing i had for breakfast:
yum4tum, my ninjas.
corn miki-fiki muffins.
with a little blop of earth balance buttery business,
and a sip or seven of tea.
i'll confess;
i used some sweetener inside the batter.
sorry, down-south,
but that's just how the woodsly goodness gets busy.
so good.
for those of you who aren't in on how they get it poppin' below the mason-dixon,
corn muffins are one of the very few things they don't put sugar in down there.
much like sweatiness and racism,
it's just another 'nother thing they got wrong.
(don't worry, they won't get hurt feelings; they're all illiterate, too)
after sucking down some sweet muffs (yeah, she sure did say it)
i hung some ornaments around the fortress.
wait, ornaments?
yes. ornaments.
when i picked up my manly manual can opener,
i also happened upon a few sweet 'maxx for the minimum' deals.
it was XI-mas decorations.
or at least, they're supposed to be,
but they run alongside our current Folk Life woodsly hottness so seamlessly,
they're more apt to be year-round dingles and dangles instead;
look at this copper clanker.
it's heavy, too.
and here i thought only brass balls were the big barbarian clackarackers.
not at all, ya'll.
it sparkles and throws lightning strikes of sunbeam laser lights all over the place.
that kitchen is gettin' frsher and fresher every day.
i learn a little sumthin'-sumthin' every day, if i'm lucky...
not usually at t.j.maxx,
but i take what i can get.
that's for sure.

and what about these beaded heavy metal forest grenades?
they're like six inches long.
that's a big-ass set of acorns.
muffins for dinner and decorating for breakfast?
maybe i should get a rainbow-striped short bus ready for the future;
yeah, yeah, yeah,
if you don't already know,
you probably won't ever get it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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