Wednesday, February 17

big fun.

pipes, stumps, indoor and outdoor fires.
that's what's up.
ash wednesday over here means burning stuff.
right down to the gray dusty dirt dots.
orange glow, billowy smoke, the works.
from the hottest hottness to the coolest kids in town,
we have a pretty good Folk Life flavor over here.
and we don't smudge any on our foreheads, even.
yeah, duders, i know.
more fire, more food, more of all of this.
it's all happening.
but that's not all that's happening.
of course,
in the traditions of the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress,
when the visiting valkyries are here,
we roll up and bake our very best stuff.
stuffed stuff, an' that.
jim came over.
larry and special lady amber came over.
and we all stuffed our faces with stuffed stuff:
that's a big loaf if i ever saw one.
and i've seen some pretty epic loaves, ya'll.
i've sliced and/or pinched some of the most incredible ones.
so i'm kind of an expert.
and this loaf is a truly impressive-
in fact,
it was the biggest, crustiest, tastiest one yet.
broccoli bread, b!tches.
special occasion traditional vegan celebration fare.
you know you wish you'd gotten a slice.
seriously, though,
it was a great, big, sonuvagun;
look here:

daaaaaaamn, my ninjas,
that's a long, lovely, luscious log of 'licious.
diagonal on the pan,
and still spanning from end to end.
add in a roasty-toasty fire afterwards,
and a circle of hewn log stump-seating,
and you've got a spirit-ring of real-life,
good-life, Folk Life mutha-uckas keeping it nice.
makes me feel all gooey and warm inside....
like that.
of course,
a heaping second helping of the butt-slice ends
left me powered up for a sheet-scorching night
of hurricane-force gale winds.
you know what i'm talking about.
ass wednesday.
you knew i couldn't resist.
everything i touch,
and eat,
eventually turns to crap.
that's biology,
and possibly geneaology.
all roads lead to rome, ya'll.
...if rome is located in my butt;
never quiet, never soft.....

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