Saturday, August 21


^ no A*s, my ninjas. get it.
it's that time of day again.
morning time.
y'know what other other time it is too?
oh yes it is:
panniecakes time.
that's a good time.
they're cakes that you don't bake.
and that's cakesmade out of dopeness.
...and if you don't like panniecakes?
F* you.
discs of delicious are what's for breakfast.
i need those flapjack frisbees to power-up.
there's a long, slow, strange day ahead of me,
tatblastin' clowns (the image not the client)
and some robert frost-type jauns, too.
maybe, it will be great.
regardless of the quotients of greatness quantity,
i will at least have all the energy i need.
because of those mutha-flippin' griddle treats, y'all.
panniecakes, pannicakes-baker-man!!
nutrients, for my face.
hey, neighbors,
what do you know about books?
i know, i know, i KNOW.
books are for dorks.
and reading is for the queers...
are these books for queer dorks?
no way.
these books are clearly the super-smartie, turbo-cool
monster manuals for woodsly goodsly warrior poetry.
...and i have 'em.
i did NOT take a photo of the half dozen fantasy novels
about dragons, dungeons, and dwarves that arrived in the mail.
now that'd be dorky.
if you're visiting,
and you're also wondering about viking saxes
or plug spawn fungi,
or what type of weird mushroom is growing
all up on that tree stump in the woods out back,
i've got you covered.
you should schedule some time to hang out, strangers;
it's good for you up here.
that's the truth.
it's s'turd'y.
most folks have the whole day to doo-doo what they want to.
but not us.
we're grindin' away.
workin' hard and hangin' tough.
as usual.
there's soccer playing on the schedule this evening.
bicycle kicks, duders.
that's somethin'.
savage stormswept raging gypsy physical exercises.
it's all really happening;
never quiet, never soft.....

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