Monday, April 18

full-moon fuego.

total combustion, duders!
hot hot fire, ninjas.
for everybody.
scraps of construction lumber?
sure thing.
burly stumps, hecho en el pais de fidel posiblemente?
claro que si, amigos.
teleporte, my ninjas:
half-blurred smoke ring temporal distortion, neighbors.
we got the jauns that got they.
if you don't know, you won't know.
werewolves and bare-skinned bear skins,
not to mention moose antlers.
the forces of nature came to the party, duders.
that's real.
right as the last boards of burning buildables
crumbled down to embers and ashes,
a raging stormswept bellowing gust of late-night rain
came a-tumbling on down out of the skies.
synchronized woodsly goodness appreciation?
so expert.
speaking of.....
check the east end cockney ruffian-type look i'm reppin':
cor' blimey, guv!
i doo-doo that freaky cockaleekie sh!t.
i even got a squinky eye.
it's the weekend for warrior poets.
thank (woodsly) goodness it's monday.
we got a family-togetherness situation,
and it is good.
real life;
never quiet, never soft.....

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