Sunday, April 3

no basta es nunca basta.

claro, my ninjas.
enough is never enough.
and that was today's motto.
taking it too far,
and circling the block once there.
and molto hard, neighbors.
all flippin' day.
and well into the early evening.
shark gluttonous spicy potato blop swallowing,
and indian food puree wallowing,
like a hog-fish hybrid, or some other such fantastic devourer.
galactus meets shiva, duders,
in my stomach.
hell, homies, i even left work a wink early to get up on it.
india blopulation, in huge basking shark gulps,
after a pair of pain-us-in-the-anus tatty-o's.
that's real.
hard work and hot fire and even hotter daal soup, too.
sunday, sunday, sunday.
today is the day,
just like every day.
or at least every other sunday.
or was it some-day?
whenever it is, was, or will be-
there is a spring fever of fever-pitch, pitch-perfect, perfect harmony
springing up through the slowly warming terra firma,
under the sunny, sumptuous firmament up here.
more than usual,
and more than that, even,
the woodsly goodness is delivering the goods.
and a whole forested mountain realm full of super-dopeness.
here is where the power is, kids.
i am grateful for where i am,
and for the time i have been given therein;
never quiet, never soft.....

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