Tuesday, July 19

blown out.

i picked up a big batch of some freshly-harvested crops.
for real.
it's technically the cucch's,
but it's for the greater gastronomic good of the Fortress.
he signed up for a cut of the community school's
community supported agriculture farm share treats.
...with fancy bread, too.
that was back before he abandoned us again,
for some dough-makin' dough-slingin' island livin'.
these tasty mutha-flippin' memories
we're munching up on are top notch.
even though it's mostly just a lot of greens.
i mean it, duders.
a LOT.
and there's only so much pooping and farting
i can really get that into more often than not.
turns out,
it's SO much of both,
in a row, and sometimes even concurrently.
thanks, dark and leafy greens!
the high point of our bountiful bushel of goodness?
check out the alien purple broccoli turnip kale:
space-root bubble chimera jauns,
for your face!
okay, okay, relax now.
it's actually just a couple of bulbous kohlrabi, neighbors.
assuming that you weren't aware.
now you know.
there was some arugula, chard, lettuce, kale, basil,
zucchinis, squashes and scallions too.
vegetables are what's up.
they've got those nutrients.
a thousand degrees of hot hot heat,
and lots of freshly planted hugh bush blueberries,
with a sampling of smoldering nicotiana tabacum
and a resigned run on the rerouted rock hunting grounds.
the ninjas who maintain the roads have yet again
upturned and relocated all the choicest specimens.
hard rocks and hard times, yo.
in the interest of reporting real-life,
and in the interest of comparative hottness
in relation to thermometer hotness,
it needs to be noted:
the wifey got new hair today, too.
that's big news in these parts, friends.
short and brown and unphotographable,
as per the explicit forbiddance of the aforementioned wifey.
trust your uncle albie though, kids.
it's the super-hottness,
all the way to eleven.
new hair is kind of a thing.
i mean,
i get excited about it,
maybe just because of the wartorn third-world desolation
i call my own sad scalp and forlorn follicles.
whatever the reason for my enthusiasm,
my sugary sweet lovely one is lookin' molto good.
new hair.
transformative actions, y'heard?
that's the sort of temporary modification
that lends itself to big action.
just sayin',
a new 'do can help you doo-doo
ALL that freaky sh!t.
it's too soon to tell,
but i've got a feeling it's all really happening;
never quiet, never soft.....

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