Saturday, July 16


what does a vegan want on a saturday?
how about a full faceful of sausage?
what kind of sausage?
naturally-cased human-reproductive.
you know it.
for the umpteenth time in my storied career,
it's weiner tattbomb-explosion sappage at the studio.
events unfold, duders.
from full moon to full frontal,
the barbaric berserker transitions are pretty intense.
we get busy with those body part jauns, y'all.
it's all really happening,
hard-styles and hard-times.
some sometimes moreso than others.
i guess not every day is well-composed warrior poetry.
some are doo-doo buttery drivel,
or worse,
dangling wanglers amidst the muddled middle of midday.
i know what you're thinking:
you're right.
i've got really-real clients, gettin' really-real with it,
all trusting doe-eyed pantslessness and exposed organs.
roots and roots and beef-based beef base blasting.
pretty much.
less of an appointment,
and more of an exposure.
for whatever reason,
when woodsly weirdies think of naughty-bits,
they immediately think of me.
i don't get it, neighbors.
i'm sure you're as surprised as i am, too.
but that's just how we get it poppin' on a busy saturday.
uh-huh, my ninjas,
with a meat-and-potato show for the tourists.
so that's happening.
the big wane is underway as of today, too.
i mean,
today it's just a small amount...
y'know, a li'l wane,
but it's the deep descent to crescent that matters.
i think the werewolfen hybrid-hyena tidepool pull
is still happening, though.
i'm serious.
almost full, a day or two on either side,
is enough to activate the essence of the nutrients, an' that.
the freaky-diki poopboat 'tarders are still feeling it.
that would certainly explain the whole-hog salami-stabbin'
on the schedule for today, yeah?
i think so. ...don't y'all?
it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
the gardens are blossoming,
with back-up buds biding their own time to burst.
the lawn needs mowing, but that's got to wait.
appreciation and participation ebb and flow, yo,
like the moon, the tide, the spirits and memories,
the whole flippin' shootin' match.
there's real life happening out there.
right here, even.
i'm right in the middle of it,
bone-crushing underbite and hyena laugh and all.
days go by, kids;
never quiet, never soft.....

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