Thursday, July 28


little by little,
we're getting there.
a green hydrangea over in this spot,
a summersweet in that one,
mountain laurel in between.
the landscape is looking pretty flippin' rad.
that's no joke.
and these large shrubs are forming
a neighbor-proof screen for shutting out
their prying eyes and penetrating beams of flooding light.
the ones aimed exactly at our firepit, even.
privacy invasion, y'all, with the high beams on,
not to mention woodsly goodness ambiance ruination,
and light-pollution purveyance.
weak sauce.
now we've got nature running interference for us,
and there's no need to hedge our bets on our hedges.
because nature always wins, neighbors.
that's still a thing.
farmer's markets?
cordwood bakers?
that's what's up.
it's not even friday,
and i've got another 'nother day's worth of ciabatta,
for my face?
i need.
they knead.
and the super-dopeness of brick oven baking,
in a log-end homestead?
thursday got pretty rad pretty quick, kids.
beet greens and weird cabbages from the summertime.
and blow-offs, no-shows,
and a predictable patch of doo-doo buttery
back-to-work buttholery.
awwwwwww, man.
i finished the high-minded task
of reading 'atlas shrugged'.
so good.
after a deep dive into objectivism,
i'm back where i really belong.
yeah, my ninjas, you know it-
dungeons and dragons and swords and sorcery.
summertime wizard relapse jauns,
on the ones.
there's real life happening, friends;
never quiet, never soft.....

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