Tuesday, September 25

cups of cake.

guess what happened yesterday?
the very same thing that happens in
a meadow at dusk-
every nothing,
no everything.
all of it.
none of it.
and it did and didn't occur at exactly the same time.
during the uneventful spanning of time and space
a plan came together, kids.
a plan for baked woodsly goodsly seasonally-appropriate
delicious super-fresh hottness from my oven
and designed specifically to activate the expertism
for your face!
what does that even mean?
it means you've got to check the teleport, folks:
it also means pumpkin spice cupcakes.
with eventual maple-sugar-vanilla frosting,
from scratch,
from the future,
and from the heart.
(as well as from my imagination, what the F* is recipes?)
in addition,
an unnamed inside source allocated me some pre-hallowe'en
corporate grocery chain ninja dopeness to decorate
all up on the tippy-tops of my pumplestiltskin poppers.
you know it, neighbors-
bootleg spranks.
a sketchy sack of sexy for my kitchen?
in an unsanctioned paraphernalia baggie,
like a sweet treats dope score down in the 'hood?
my homeboys rep their block, y'all.
and they get me my stash.
those autumn-type personal cake jauns
would be some weak-sauce waterbabyish boring blops
with out 'em.
my contact made it happen.
spellcheck approves of nearly none of the
warrior poetic lexicon, kids.
that's a thing.
it must be new english.
i keep writing it out.
it keeps yellow-highlighting it up.
we are forging our own derivative dialect, duders.
you and i,
reforging our syllables, concentrating our consonants,
droppin' g's and addin' t's,
and as a whole reactivating the hottness inside of
the organic evolutionary nutrients of common language.
if you're understanding me,
you must be my understudy.
get it?
you know your lines, friends;
it's time for the simultaneous soliloquies of a whole
chorus of fire-spitting competent communicators to
overlap and integrate and voltron their nouns and verbs into
a really-real real talk communion of common cause.
on the ones,
it's all really happening.
and truth tellers can never stop;
never quiet, never soft.....

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