Thursday, September 20


awwwwwww, man!
this is it, neighbors.
this morning's Tea 'N' Toast.
breaking bread and breaking fast,
before breaking out and heading off-
after that,
the cucch is on the road again.
what can i tell y'all?
he's a roaming wanderer,
and his time in the woodsly goodness,
whilst completely activated,
has reached it's bitterwseet end.
it looks a lot like it did when he got here:
out of focus bleary eyes, teary farewells (not really)
girlie hair and early mornings.
that's what's up.
my main ninja will be missed,
but i'm indebted to him for the time we've spanned.
111% expert.
back to work after a wasted weekend?
dry spells and wet blankets,
crowded houses and empty rooms,
it's ALL really happening, kids.
that's the truth.
we get choices, like 'em or not,
and the results of the choices are ours to bear.
it's called accountability,
and it's the real deal stamp of responsible adulthood.
hard styles, hot spit, furious warrior wherewithal,
withering werewolfen woodsly wisecrackin',
failed flirtations,
hardline inflexibile assertions and dissertations......
What Is can't be rewritten as it happens, homies-
so maybe i do come off as a showboat,
and a bit of a pr!ck,
but i said those things,
and i did those things,
and i can live with that;
never quiet, never soft.....

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