Thursday, March 28

internet connection lost

you'll have to settle for the summary.
i bake a lot of treats.
because i'm an expert, and a showoff,
and because gratitude and generosity suit me very well.
i make 'em, neighbors,
so all of y'all can eat them.
check the teleport:
strawberry cheesecake, again.
big ol' globs of goobiebloppity red heart-shaped hottness for our faces.
there's more.
...of course.
teleport to the sour-creamery of a crumby cake covered in sexy streusel,
and layered over graham-crackered oatmeal cookie,
with a steamy apple striation sandwiched in between 'em all:
i doo-doo that freaky sh!t, son.
and just to keep it really really real.
i hit up a big batch of obligatory o.g. rock bloxxx.
i've got to give up some thanks to my good friend anna, for the snappy shots.
she also made me a fancy lunch,kids.
that's real.
coconut thai curry, with ALL the vegetables,
and the hottest potato bombs that ever burnt my mouth off.
so good.
my friends are all better than yours.
every single time;
never quiet, never soft.....

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