Sunday, March 24

palm sunday.

it's another 'nother sunday in the woodsly goodness.
the sun is shining,
a gentle lamb-like breeze is wafting through the trees,
the temperature is rising,
and the mountains are filled with the sounds of dripping water,
singing birds,
and worthy warrior poetry.
that's right, neighbors-
the spouting sprouted springtime speeches that beseech and implore
the new season to even greater heights of expert new hottness.
that's real.
i'm talking about talking, kids.
i doo-doo that verbose espousing of communicative interaction.
...and it i make it look good even if isn't easy.
the problem is,
it still sounds like garbled garbage, y'all.
i'm bringing and making noise,
but it isn't getting translated into regular-person sounds all that well.
the virtue of silence may yet be the greater gift i give.
we'll have to wait and see.....
amanda and kelly are the best ones.
that's real.
we hung out super hard today.
because it's palm sunday.
check the teleport.
slap-happy high five activation, y'all.
palm sunday?!
that's what's up.
i am SO grateful for my peoples.
without them,
i'm lessened considerably.
thanks for filling in the blanks, mutha-'uckers;
never quiet, never soft.....

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