Sunday, October 20

cake is where the heart is?

what's up, neighbors?
you want to know what happens when it's berfday cake time?
check the teleport:
two layers of heart shaped hottness,
cemented together with sweetcreme frosting?
of course.
...and are those golden glitter sprankles,
like it's a heart of gold,
like neil young got baked into a harvest moon
full moon berfday party time treat?
i mean,
what am i?
an A*-hole?
no way.
after all,
i know what being expert is all about.
i'm headed south.
back into the fanged jaws of the urban landscape.
today is the day-
i'm going home, again.
it's not home, exactly.
that's right here in the echoing emptiness of the cold grey
woodsly goodsly Folk Life & Liberty Fortress.
i AM going back to where i came from.
that's real.
hamden, connecticut, i'm coming for you.
if it wasn't for harvest and maple,
i think we'd all just be content to live and let live,
with hours and hours worth of longitude between us.
for realsies.
we'd probably never see each other otherwise.
now don't get me wrong-
phones and roads both work in two directions-
coming and going.
it's just all this really real life that interferes with making time
for collateral comrades who share the same ingredients.
so, actually,
i suppose those girls are some sort of magnetic focal point
that summons up some overarching family togetherness sh!t.
we'll take these minutes to join forces and feast and fete for their sake.
...and then,
we'll immediately remember why we never do this sort of thing
berserker barbarian battle-beasts,
and blood-feud savage stormswept gypsies,
and werewolfen warrior poets,
one and all....and all in one place.
it's like combining hot fire and gunpowder
with short fuses and sharp metal shards.
it is always dangerous and there are always explosions .
don't get upset-
we all share the same shortcomings,
we all shoot first and ask questions later,
and we all take every single thing too far.
that's what family IS.
eleven is as eleven does, duders,
and we are consistently over-the-top,
and out-of-control.
we're gonna get it together when we get together,
and then we're gonna take it apart.
infinite nature always wins.
today is definitely the day.
berfday parties and berfday cakes-
it's all really happening,
that's the whole point;
never quiet, never soft.....

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