Monday, September 14


i get to totally nerd the F* out,
and summon up all the creatures of my inner monstrous compendium,
straight from the barely-suppressed soul of my teenaged dungeon mastery.
like the kraken the other day?
all i want is to make skulls and monsters, every day.
ever since the first creature double-feature i saw as a little kid,
i've been drawing firecracker jet-bomb attacks on giant lizards,
killer robots, and armored anti-heroes alllll the flippin' time.
that's real.
it's my favorite stuff,
and whenever i get to doo-doo that fantastical or sci-fi-style freaky sh!t,
it's a better day for me and everyone else.
real talk.
i had a new client yesterday, a regular at the studio, but who was a first-timer in MY chair.
i do things differently than those other other guys at the shop, for sure.
he had his idea,
and i had some markers,
and i think i might've usurped his natural trust instincts,
and supplanted them with hot fire spit and some sketchy green and maroon lines.
what he brought me for inspiration was a playing card.
what he got drawn up, in the moment, was an off-the-cuff tree-type duder,
one hundred percent wodengeist,
and fully-formed and uprighteously uprooted on his inner arm.
i'm happiest when i get to get into it like that.
check the ent-treant-treeman-type teleport:
that's what's happening.
i really truly do appreciate it, too.
i mean,
after that burl-oaken blasty zipzap,
i still did a bunch of regular tattoos,
and those were all fine and good, as well....
it's just so nice to get to indulge in some really real albie jauns
in between all the grind-dated movie check production.
i'm grateful for the times i get to do the things i like,
but whenever there's work to do, 
i'll still do what needs doing,
because i've got work to do, duders.
i'm a working person,
i put in work,
i work with purpose,
on purpose.
for the record,
one more time-
i like monsters.
i like creatures.
i like robots.
i like beasts.
everything else is just tattoos;
never quiet, never soft.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Someday I will get tattooed by you and it will be, for the record, some sort of creature created by a markered magnificence!!