Thursday, September 24

treats, again.

apple pie?
apple cake?
apple tart?
a mixed-breed monster mash-up of all three?
check the flaky-crumbly-cakey-type teleport:
hand-rolled homeamde flaky big-buttery-butt-blarpin' pie crust,
pushed into the creases and folds of a tart pan.
stewer apple chunks,
soaked in molasses and brown sugar and vanilla bean paste;
seasoned with ginger, cinnamon, mace, allspice, nutmeg,
and most importantly, cloves.
they give it the fancy face-numbing sexiness that dark brown applesauce craves.
i think that's a thing, anyway.
i only had a few fresh-picked fall fruits on hand,
so i whipped up an oaty, knobbly, loose applesaucey batter,
and fired in more of all those spices,
and poured it in between all the apple filling,
and let it slip and slide into all the hollows and holes.
of course,
i could've let it alone at that point......
if i was a weak-sauce watery diaperbaby from the bottom rungs of woodsly goodness.
that's not me,
and that's not cool.
i also crumbled up another 'nother batch of oats and sugars and butters an' that,
and left out the applesauce and the almond milk,
and let it become a cookie-ish crumbly sprankle-able streusel.
that's the way it HAD to be,
and therefore,
that's the way it unfolded from my brain to the bowl to the tip-top
of my crucial clovely creation.
i don't know if you noticed,
but there are also a few pastry hearts around the outer rim of this coffee-cake-ish circle.
i couldn't let the last little bit of the dough go unused and unaccounted for.
i mean,
what do you think i am?
some sort of a crust-skimper?
well, come say it to my face, F*er, and i'll box your ears.
real talk.
i add the heartsm because i'm effing lovely,
and because i heart all the tarts,
even when they have a pie-cake identity crisis.
that's just the way i doo-doo that autumnal-apple-activation-style sh!t.
september has been great for apple treats.
september has been pretty decent in general.
what do i attribute that to?
warm weather helps.
early morning activity is good, too.
diet and exercise might be a thing, maybe?
all of that may contribute,
but i do believe that it's my work situation that has changed the most,
and had the most impact on my mindset-
i've been the only one at the tattzap studio more days than not,
and i've been more than happy to stay and zip up some pictures
without the minky mincey misery that normally comes with the territory.
you could almost say i'm in a good mood,
whenever nobody else is around.
i'm a strangely-fashioned people person,
a competent conversationalist,
a caustic but co-conspiratorial comic,
a ghetto philosopher,
and an exclusive all-inclusive collaborator with all my clients,
i s'pose i don't view my coworkers as people.
left alone, but not lonely,
there's a method and a process to the way i work.
it works well when i work hard,
and i always work hard.
in fact,
i don't respect folks who don't.
they immediately get relegated to the discard pile.
that's no joke, though.
i guess that's because of the rules, y'know?
yeah, you do.
what's at the top of the list?
that's correct:
just be dope, or F* right off.
if you're capable of linear reasoning,
i think you've already figured out where i'm going, and why.
if you need what i've got, come and get it.
if you do what i do, only less and worse, go away.
the rest of you?
there's pie.
i hope that helps;
never quiet, never soft.....

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