Thursday, September 10

picnics and nitpicks and nitwits.

awwwwww, man.
i saw it coming.
i did.
i'm literate, and fluent,
in several forms of communication,
and ALL of them read as: huge middle finger.
sign language, especially.
there are changes afoot.
i guess there always are, really.
before the big reveal of bigger plans,
and the very biggest big action begins,
i've still got to take care of all the stuff i've been doing this whole time.
real life doesn't take days off, does it?
neither does being expert.
and that's no joke.
what helps yours truly truly provoke creative problem solving to rise to the forefront
of my evolutionarily-advanced myelin-coated inner skull walnut?
meditative procedural activation in the kitchen.
following the steps that logic dictate will make something dope happen.
that's right neighbors.
even when it's ninety degrees fahrenheit, and the styles are all hardening faster
than the moisture can evaporate into the atmosphere,
i'm right in front of the stove, with several burners AND the oven all afire
with spices on spices on spices for a special semi-celebratory mexican miercoles.
word up.
y'gotta nourish yourself, friends.
the world will forever try to deplete your reserves,
so it's up to you to stockpile all the nutrients that power up the very best bits
of your will and worthiness.
knowing i've still got one last friend with the available time
and the intentional attendance
and the attentive appetite for excellence that family dinner togetherness requires,
i made that bottom-b!tches most favorite flavors.
that's right.
i doo-doo that cater-to-those-who-care-style freaky sh!t.
my girl looooves mexican food,
and i looooove to make mexican food,
and we loooooooooooove to eat those jauns.
it's a happy culmination to a hot expedition into the world of simple but awesome.
we're kind of about that sh!t, y'all.
take a look at the teleport right quick:
that's nice, isn't it?
you bet your A* it is.
the temperature cooled just enough to sit outside,
on a septembery apple-crate picnic box.
which was very nice, and very good.
the weather was brutal all damned day long,
but it took a little rest, and gave us enough of a respite
from this weeklong sweltering late-summer back-to-school plot twist,
just so we could dominate a decadent peasant feast for our faces.
i really like taco time.
i mean,
those flappy little fat foldies, though?
they're so kyoooooooooot.
look closer at the heaping helpful helpings of all that mooshy messiness:
blops on blops on blops.
and they're chawnky, too!
homemade taco crumbles, seasoned and simmered with real food,
and not packets of spices.
because box mix is for jerks,
and i'm not some weak wavering watery no-cookin'-A* lazy mincey diaperbaby.
i like my saucy red protein blops fresh as F*, son!
do i still g.p.o.p., and nootch-blast, and poblano, garlic and onion activate my refried beans?-
jeez, what are you?
an A*-hole?
i'm not about to half-step my brown blarpity bean scenario.
don't be dumb.
what's that?
is my salsa fresca still worthy of songs and sagas?
as a matter of fact, it is.
i don't try to make a perfect ten.
that's not good enough.
too much is the right amount,
and i need a perfect eleven.
don't believe me?
then maybe you should one of those homemade baked flour tortilla chips in there,
and eat your words as well as that elite chunky veg magic.
what about the guacamole?
what ABOUT the guacamole??!
it's better than yours.
it's the kelis's milkshake of avocado awesomeness,
except that we don't want to warm it up.
it's got too much hottness even when refrigerated.
anything more could be physically damaging to the environment.
i bring that hot fire, and i ride the lightning all the way to supertaco picnic town.
you know it.
i do it.
it's all really happening,. and there's plenty MORE where that came from-
for example,
the boku big drinkies on the side.
check the teleport:
fancy spritzy smoothies?
frozen strawberries and a banana,
crema de coco, sweetened lime juice, and mandarin orange vanilla seltzer.
what does that make?
it makes more of that magic in your mouth, sucka/.
that's it!
why the indulgence in frozen daiquiri-type majesty?
because it's okay not to drink.
you've still gotta stay hydrated,
and heavy-duty tutti-fruity fresh-to-deathness is the best way to get that going
when there's tacos on the platter, and spicy everything else on the side.
in fact,
non-alcoholism is vastly preferred in every single instance of thirsty work.
that's real.
sharing the gentler moments of the evening with a loved one.
that's expert.
savagely devouring a giant plate of food?
that's twice as expert.
we do what we do,
because there isn't anything else worth a damn.
we make the time,
we take the times,
we span the times,
and still we let it shape us;
never quiet, never soft.....

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