Friday, October 11


santana gets stephen king tattoos.
this one is a good one:

the dark tower, the gunslinger, and some poppies.
those are key elements, or so i'm told.
if more people got literary-inspired non-harry potter tattoos,
i think i'd be into that.
reading is pretty F*ing tight, and so are tattoos,
so when they're combined, that's expert.
i'd like to think that there will be more interesting tattoos in the days to come.
mostly because i'm coming up on a very big day in my life, soon.
i mean,
they're all big days,
but this one marks a passage of time that impresses me, and maybe you, too.
the rest of my time passes like kidney stones.
so, i'll take a tiny tattoo reprieve wherever they've got 'em,
and let that soothe a small portion of these dark days;
never quiet, never soft.....

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