pizza is dope.
pizza is expert.
pizza is what's up.
but if you're really-real,
and you've been naughty enough to get coal,
then you're on the right path,
because new haven-style coal-fired APIZZA
is the power and the glory and the way and the light and the truth.
...and that's a fact.

shouts to breezy for coming through with the sentimental nostalgia
and the allegiance and the dedication for this southern connecticut apizza pie guy.
that's AH-BEETZ, for those of you pronouncing it ah-peet-sah.
get it right.
there's a lotta history, and it's all right there in the book.
i come from a place where pizza is a way of life,
and i think it's sweet she provided me with a long-distance reconnect with that
rich italian-american history from my birthplace.
i want to pass on that love and that passion and that process to all the kids.
i want pizza partners, pizza pals, pizza princes and princesses.
i want white pie and sicilian and deep-dish and flatbread.
i want double dough and stuffed crust and fully-loaded extra-larges.
i LOVE pizza,
and i love christmas when it works out for everybody.
and it's F*ing awesome to get good gifts from someone who knows you.
i am grateful for the intimacy behind the items.
that means a whole lot more than just some wrapped-up stuff.
there's weather coming.
i mean, it's winter.
so that's expected.
will i make pizza tonight?
i think it's only right.
for real, i've got the shirt.
i've got the dough.
i've got the sauce.
i've got the fondness and the feelings and the hunger.
pizza is the only other redhead i even like.
and it's a whole lot crustier than the other one.
i dunno.
it's all a F*ing mess.
every day, every night, everywhere-
here and there and in-between.
a blanket of snow might at least make it quiet outside,
while it's a stormswept raging ugly sloppy typhoon in my head;
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