a snow day.❆
that means ANYthing can happen.
y'know what definitely did happen?
i mean, OBVI, right?
and i worked, doing a few repeat clients, between answering emails
and cybermonday holiday shopping.
so, how did i manage to endure the day's doo-doo buttery slush, slop, ice, and cold?
i ate some of the most flavorful bread-bordered big action i've ever had.
no joke.

sandwich week is powerful stuff.
we got that good bread i wrote about yesterday.
it's really something.
and there's oil and salt and pepper and Garlic Powder and Onion Powder tossed
slivered fingerling potatoes, in red and white, roasted in a 400 oven,
to critical crispness.
those made this molto molto expert.
i have tempeh bacon in there, because i want it every damned day;
and caramelized sweet onion, too.
that's a double dose of rich, hearty, slippery, sweet flavor for your face.
the tofu?
that tofu was something new and exciting.
exxxtra-firm, wet, but drained,
dredged in a combo of:
non-GMO organic cornstarch, chickpea flour, salt, pepper,
powdered powerful pimenton pepper, dried shallot,
and fire-roasted tomato sprankles.

yo, on the ones-
when i'm having trouble expressing myself?
i make some F*ing wild food as a result.
i fried those up in hot refined coconut oil, and they got crisp, and fulllll of huge taste.
i toasted the bread,
i slathered on some mayo, i added romaine tops for roughage and color,
and some pickles, because this kind of thing demands pickles.
and i listen to what the sandwiches say.
am i a sandwich savant? i believe i very well might be.
it's almost like all the interpersonal acuity, intuitive social insight,
and navigable superficial interaction that ordinary people naturally possess
were all converted into making food that looks and tastes incredible,
and unique, and expressive in me.
my food is a much kinder and more authentic version of myself
than any bullsh!t performance as albie rock has ever been.
i'm not being weird, i'm telling you the truth.
complicated, conscious, conscientious, competent, compassionate, considerate-
that's what i am when i'm cooking.
all the loud, fresh, hardness is superfluous,
and i just say what i mean with spoons and pans and sh!t.
there's probably a way to exchange some of that,
i just don't even know where to begin.
with the bread, probably.
it isn't a sandwich without bread.
what are we talking about?
my very wealthy new neighbor improved his home a great deal.
yesterday, that cost me over six hundred dollars.
that's not a joke.
his vastly improved home, which serves as astark contrast to the eclectic,
eccentric dilapidation of the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress,
is so much nicer now that he's take ownership that the actual town
was worried that plowing our road would harm his property,
and thus opted NOT to plow our publicly maintained road.
as a group, the rest of the homeowners (sans uncle pennybags)
petitioned the selectmen, and they determined that if he were to UNimprove
a section of landscaped yard, they'd be able to turn around and
maneuver the road and would therefore maintain the road this winter.
somebody, (not me), offered to pay for the 'repair' amongst us all.
and yesterday, the doorbell rang, and my horrorshow mudroom
had one of my other neighbors in it, with an invoice for six hundred plus bucks.
i appreciate being included in neighborhood events.
there's ONLY four homes on the street.
after NOvember being such a banner month for bammer months,
six hundred extra deficit dollars disappearing first thing was discouraging
when what i get for the money is exactly what i already had for free...
how long does drowning take?
it feels like almost forty-four years of slowly losing breath and getting swept away by
the flow of pressure and dark and cold are catching up right now.
thank F*ing goodness i was all sorts of full from sandwiches.
i let that hold down all the feelings of embarrassment about my old, busted house.
for a second, i saw that entryway through new eyes,
and i wanted to die about it.
there's costumes and cardboard, old comics and weird sticks,
wizard staves and recyclables,
a gardening bench with assorted half-art and craft crap,
paintings and foam and trash.
i'm overwhelmed a lot, and i shut out a lot, but i saw it, and now i can't stop thinking about it.
today is another snow day.
i need to burn half of what's in that room to ash,
as soon as i'm finished eating sandwiches;
never quiet, never soft.....
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