out loud. loud, in fact, as soon as my eyes snapped open,
i was wide awake, and my mouth was spitting out syllables.
i want that cultivated coincidence to work for me.
the magnetic attraction of fortune's favor.
the summoned spirit of good F*ing luck.
that's mathematical odds and probability influenced by saying the same word twice.
not-so-super, these superstition traditions, y'know?
but i said it and i meant it:
rabbit! rabbit!
and then i turned on the oven to make bread.
rules is rules, man.
and the first fell on a sunday.
so that's all there is to it.
sandwich week is here.
that's dope.
and it isn't piece-of-sh!t NOvember anymore!!
that's expert.
two things that i'm grateful for, on the same day,
and neither relied on me talking about bunnies, bro.
wanna see the loaf of bread i baked,
after i got that oven hot?
you do?
check the teleport:

good bread makes better people;
and better people, using better bread, make the BEST sandwiches.
that's a fact.
i can't wait to press a couple of slices under a hot cast-iron,
and leave those sexxxy griddle marks all up on 'em.
i told you, already.
food is what sharpens the sword in my soul.
i can't sleep right anymore.
i fall asleep very early, because i get up too early.
i get up too early because i can't sleep.
and in the middle of the night?
i get up and move around for an hour.
how did this happen?
beats me.
also, it beats me UP.
i've been exercising before bed to try to tire myself out.
i dunno if that works or not.
i mean, i'm wrapped up in layers and layers walking crabtree before work,
getting all sweaty uphill dragging his reluctant and recalcitrant little DDI butt
up all the streets and trails while he slowwwwwwwwwly pees on everything
in case another animal wonders if he existed seven feet from his last blast of hot urine..
and i have a schedule for him, so that my time at AMPERSAND TATTOO
doesn't leave him kenneled overlong, so during this week of nothing but bread,
i gotta exercise at night.
because the light is trash after 2 pm,
and i want to document the beauty, the glory, the glistening goodness,
and the visible depth and breadth of flavor and craftsmanship
in every F*ing sandwich all week long...
and that means cooking in the morning, and working it off in the evenings.
that's just what it is, neighbors.
i'm secretly hoping that makes me more tired.'
i probably have to exercise a LOT harder.
being distracted by exercise is good on long cold dark lonely nights.
being distracted while exercising just makes pushing up a lot harder to do well.
i don't see what i'm looking for,
i don't feel like i'm supposed to,
and i can't sleep so i've got foghead and a headache and bleary eyes by three p.m.
also, i need fluorescent-style LEDs for the studio.
it's getting as dark inside there as it in my outlook;
never quiet, never soft.....
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